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Ph.D., Professor /Principal Investigator <br>
Phone: +86-931-8912281<br>
Email: xupf@lzu.edu.cn
Peng-Fei Xu
Executive Assistant to the Chancellor of Lanzhou University, Director of Science and Technology Department of Lanzhou University, Professor of College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Ph.D., Professor /Principal Investigator
Phone: +86-931-8912281
Email: xupf@lzu.edu.cn
Research in our lab focuses on the following fields: organocatalysis, visible-light photoredox catalysis, catalytic cascade reactions and flotation of minerals. We are interested in designing synthetic strategies that enable efficient and selective preparation of complex molecules and biologically privileged structural motifs by utilizing organocatalysis and visible-light photocatalysis. Additionally, we are also devoted to developing new efficient agents for mineral processing and treatment.
Research in our lab focuses on the following fields: organocatalysis, visible-light photoredox catalysis, catalytic cascade reactions and flotation of minerals. We are interested in designing synthetic strategies that enable efficient and selective preparation of complex molecules and biologically privileged structural motifs by utilizing organocatalysis and visible-light photocatalysis. Additionally, we are also devoted to developing new efficient agents for mineral processing and treatment.
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Welcome undergraduate students, MS, PhD, Post-Doctor join our groups!

Peng-Fei Xu, Professor, Principal Investigator

Email: xupf@lzu.edu.cn

Address:The Second Chemistry Laboratory Room 511 & 510, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, 730000 P.R. China

Research in our lab takes place at the interface between the fields of organocatalysis, visible-light photoredox catalysis ...